Thursday, April 12, 2012

Plain Jane

There are just things that are best left the way they are. Starting anew is not cowardice. It is either they are already too creased to smooth or that they hold a part of your past that you still want to cherish.

Anyway, yes I left my old blog. It was already getting crowded and confusing. I only recently discovered how to customize my wall. I got carried away. Believe me, I tried to fix it. Not just its face but its soul. I only realized it's pretty much full of crap about my unrequited love. Ha! I tried deleting them, but I can't. Because I don't know how to, technically and emotionally.

And now, I have created a new blog. Simpler. Realistic. Less artistic. Less theatrical. Printer monotone. Opinionated. Cynic-ish.

Yes. I prefer it this way. I won't have to tie myself to rhyming words or numbered stanzas. This way, I can be as blunt, as boring, as sensible, as incomprehensible, as selfish, or as free as I can be.

I may never get people to read my entries in this blog up to the last character (nor would I probably because as always I would think my creations are crap after I read them for the third time).

But still, I'm keeping that old blog. I wont destroy it. It still holds a part of my past. I will just leave it the way it is.

Because I know everything will all fall into place in the right time and I can finally understand them.