Monday, October 28, 2013

24/7 Paparazzi

Hi there.

So ok, the long weekend is almost over and so is my starvation. At last, I have a reason to severe ties with my bed and get up and do something meaningful with my life.

Actually, I've just been browsing the net for great ideas on Halloween costumes. Though, it's not like Im going to any Halloween party (never been to one because it's never in my radar). But anyway, it''s still fun wearing one to the cemetery while we visit the dead.

So anyways, a cynical thought suddenly popped into my head (it usually does). Like it or not, having a Halloween costume party will never be half as purposeful if we don't get to take pictures and post them on social media..for like every f**ing second. Admit it. Every event, every gathering, every activity that we do nowadays HAS to be documented!! And I was like, "oh my god I dont have a camera phone!" "And if I do have one, I would not have any internet access also!". "I guess I'll just have to use my camera and upload photos on my laptop". But how can I keep constant newsfeed if I could only upload the photos later when the party ends?" Urgh, shit here shit there..blah blah blah!

Can't we just have a normal party or gathering and not bother to keep freakin' strangers posted with our every move?! For all we know, we could be having Edward Cullen stalking us when we're asleep or something!

You'd probably say.."of course you can have a party without a smartphone and internet" or "get a grip, you're over-reacting and just bummed because you dont have an iPhone."

Well, three cheers for that. Maybe I am. But on a more general note, people like us who are not really that well-updated with techy gadgets because of "Miser Disease" may often end up furtively pitied or shoved to the side in awkward moments because we dont have 24/7 paparazzis to snap our every locomotion.

C'mon, why dont we just drop the phones, and just enjoy Halloween! Im sure, if I get to snag the coolest costume in town, many would think it would be put to waste if I dont take a snapshot of it and post it in FB.

My god. This is too much. I need to eat. K. Bye.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Not This Time


So I've been thinking (I seem to be thinking much lately). Adult life really does weird stuffs to your personality. I swear Im not like this three years ago! damn!

Well anyway, amid all these struggles, one thing I learned is that this is my moment to do things at my own pace! I mean, really. I have been habitually rejecting offers and suggestions for CPD from my support group because I don't find them purposeful at all. I, myself, still have not yet decided on a career path to take. But all I really want is that when I do decide to continue my studies, I want it to be something I chose to learn because I WANT to learn it. Im through with obligations and reputations. I know I would not be as miserable as I am now with my life if I could just do things and decide on things without thinking about their impact on others.

I believe in PURPOSE. As Ive read once, LIVING is an OPTION because DEATH is our true DESTINATION. Feel the need to do a thing..that's my perspective.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Every Child is Special. Apparently, I'm Not One of Them

This morning, while I was walking down the streets of Carbon, I witnessed the most disturbing & heart-wrenching scene. 

I was walking on the sidewalk, and up ahead I could see a dirty man lying on the ground. Upon getting closer, I saw that the the man was asleep, drunk probably.. Walking towards me was a skinny woman, with poorly-cropped hair, wearing spaghetti top and dirty Daisy dukes. She was apparently limping, dragging her other foot towards my direction and was still barely awake. One glance and I knew who they were..homeless people. As i was edging nearer, I started to look down as I know these people don't want to be looked at. I was preparing to ignore them, when suddenly the woman stopped beside me, turned to the other side and bent down on a pile of cardboard boxes propped up beside the lamp post. The she started to shout and throw words of insult and was slapping something or apparently, someone inside the boxes. When I looked down, I saw a young boy, probably above 1 year, standing up and leaning on the lamp post for support. He was naked from head to foot, and was apparently hiding, hoping the boxes would shield him from the angry woman (who was probably the mother). She started to shout, "Di ka kasabot? Ha? Nganong di man ka kasabot buanga ka?!" while slapping his face, his arm, his head and the boy started to cry so hard. 

I wanted to grab the little boy and bring him far away from his deranged sexed-up mother, and threaten her I'd report her to Bantay Bata. But I was scared because I knew it was just an empty threat and that she would fearlessly claim maternal rights for him and would threaten me who was in her territory. So, I just did what I'd never forgive myself for doing; I walked away with the sounds of the little boy's cry still ringing in my ears.

I know this scene is not uncommon here in Cebu. That is why I'm really hoping we could actually do something for these little ones. I hope this could reach to the proper authorities and a strong and firm law on Child Abuse will be strictly and diligently imposed in our country. I could just imagine, that little boy was probably relying on the passers-by (me included) to notice his situation and probably take him away from his hell. And probably, many people before and after me did also just what we all would've done: ignore and walk away.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Plain Jane

There are just things that are best left the way they are. Starting anew is not cowardice. It is either they are already too creased to smooth or that they hold a part of your past that you still want to cherish.

Anyway, yes I left my old blog. It was already getting crowded and confusing. I only recently discovered how to customize my wall. I got carried away. Believe me, I tried to fix it. Not just its face but its soul. I only realized it's pretty much full of crap about my unrequited love. Ha! I tried deleting them, but I can't. Because I don't know how to, technically and emotionally.

And now, I have created a new blog. Simpler. Realistic. Less artistic. Less theatrical. Printer monotone. Opinionated. Cynic-ish.

Yes. I prefer it this way. I won't have to tie myself to rhyming words or numbered stanzas. This way, I can be as blunt, as boring, as sensible, as incomprehensible, as selfish, or as free as I can be.

I may never get people to read my entries in this blog up to the last character (nor would I probably because as always I would think my creations are crap after I read them for the third time).

But still, I'm keeping that old blog. I wont destroy it. It still holds a part of my past. I will just leave it the way it is.

Because I know everything will all fall into place in the right time and I can finally understand them.